
these are some of my best projects. scroll down to see more!

AICS - Registration Portal

made with:

the acton institute of computer science (aics) is a nonprofit organization which provides free, accessible, computer science education to young students. i began working at aics as a python instructor and an operations member. as an operations member, the process of enrolling a student into a class was incredibly tedious.

this is where the registration portal comes to play. several student developers and i created this registration portal to facilitate the registration process without having operation members do the tedious work the registration portal can handle. additionally, the portal handles gradework, such that aics instructors can input assignment names and grades in a data table on the site. feel free to take a look!

Personal Website

made with:

in true dev fashion, this website was made with code. look around, and i am taking suggestions for the way my code is structured because idk what im doing lol.

Manga Bookshelf

made with:

this was a project for my agile development class.

the manga bookshelf web app was created for manga readers to track manga books they've read, would like to read, as well as interact with other users of the site. the website was public while it was hosted on digital ocean, but for now, if you want to see it running on your machine, you can follow the instructions in the readme.